Easily switch templates and colors on your website with this button. Note! You will not lose any uploaded text or images—everything remains in tact.

It is good to make a note of what template and color you had to start so you can easily switch back should you not be satisfied.
This page gives you a quick overview of the templates.

Click on the different templates and colors to see what your choices look like in PREVIEW. Just click on SAVE when you find a template you want to test.

Your site might look a little strange if you switch from a large template (with lots of space) to a smaller template (with less space). Look for any large images or tables you may have added to your website earlier. They may no longer fit and are therefore shuffling objects around on your website.
All you have to do is resize objects that are too big and/or reassign them to a new position. If you like the new template, it is worth making room for everything.


Tip! Changing templates and/or colors is a very quick and easy way to change the appearance of your website. Change can be stimulating. For instance, the Nature template lets you switch according to the seasons. The Article template has a fabulous St. Patrick’s Day green and the best Halloween orange. Download a few theme-related images to top things off!