Website in several languages

We often get asked if we have a function for creating the website in several languages.
We don’t, but there are several different ways to fix this. Here are a few ideas about how you can customize your website for several languages.


Google Translate

Google Translate is an easy, convenient alternative. You have to overlook the fact that translations are not 100% accurate.
If it is important that the translation is correct, find a different alternative.

Go to Google Translate and enter the current language of your website at item 1.
Copy the code in the field below and paste it in your website.
Read here about how to copy/paste your own HTML code.


Translate yourself

Alternative 1

If you do not have much text in your website, it is easiest to write both languages on the same page. Use two colors for the different languages to clearly highlight the languages.

For instance, this text written in English has been assigned the color blue.

And this text, written in the other language, has been assigned the color purple.


Alternative 2

If you have a lot of text/information on your website, it is easier to spread it over several pages. This means each page of data has two versions, one in English and one in the other language.

You need to plan the page structure of your website so it is still easy for visitors to navigate the site. You have several options. Try them out and see what works for your website.

A piece of advice is to have a Welcome page in both languages. Then make one called "English" and one called "The other language". Arrange the pages as subpages to each language.
To learn how to make a subpage, read here.


Alternative 3

You can also build several websites. This does however involve extra cost since you need another subscription, but the result is excellent. You make a website in English and one in the other language and create links between the websites. Flags are perfect here. Upload images of flags and then make the images into links that go the correct website.
You can see an example here in the manual. The flags are up at the top. I have uploaded the images and then made them into links.

To learn how to upload images (flags), read here.

To learn how to make links, read here.