Background color for text

A good time to use the tables is when you want a background color behind a text field. This is helpful for a Tips box, Quotes, Info, and other important things. The odd box here and there makes the page easier to read. It offsets monotony, is pleasing to the eye and makes the reader curious. But keep it clean! If the entire page is full of boxes in different colors, it can confuse and irritate the reader. The brain shuts down and your visitor will move on to another page without have read anything.

When you want to add a Tips box, for instance, insert a table with 3 columns and 1 row. The column in the middle is to there to make it easier to adjust the space between texts. In the example below, I added a gray border to the table cells so that you can see the position of the tables.
You can add details like a horizontal line over and under for a bit of framing. Or place a frame around the cells for emphasis. The choice is yours.
To insert horizontal lines, click on this button  in the toolbar. You do not need to determine the width of the line — it will automatically adapt to the width of its cell.
Add the frame by right-clicking in the cell, scroll down to Cell and then follow the arrow to Table Cell Properties. Go to Advanced, click on the box after Border Color and choose which color you want to use. If you want the frame thicker, change the code in the box marked Style (still under Advanced). To start, it says "border:1px". Change the figure to the number of pixels you want for your frame. The following example in Book tip of the day! has border:3px.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut eros sit amet neque egestas vehicula quis eu lacus. Vivamus quam magna, ornare sit amet feugiat in, eleifend non dui. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque ut tellus no eros quis rhoncus eu tortor imperdiet commodo.

Maecenas sit amet dolor leo. Pellentesque vel nibh nulla, at mollis neque. Nulla sem augue, hendrerit vitae molestie rhoncus, malesuada ante.  Pellentesque habitant morbi sit tristique ac senectus et netus et malesuada ac fames sed tempus amet sollicitudin  habitant egestas malesuada.  


Friendship make prosperity more shining and
lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it.

Cicero - On Friendship, 44 B.C.

Praesent id lobortis magna. Nam non velit at eros pellentesque pretium. Nunc vel lorem sit amet tortor imperdiet commodo eget ac velit. Morbi a arcu mi, in semper augue. In molestie congue nibh, a interdum erat temp sollicitudin tempor quis habitant morbi tristique senectus.

Book tip of the day!

  Sed aliquet fringilla sed eros , a vestibulum lorem aliquet at. Nam tellus nisi, venenatis ut bibendum sed, consectetur vel sapien. Pellentesque habitant netus morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris vel augue eleifend est tempus velit sollicitudin. Curabitur porttitor cursus sem sit sagittis purus porta feugiat habitant netus morbi tristique senectus netus.

Etiam porta auctor egestas. Aliquam id quam et justo iaculis porta. Integer non ante lobortis sem feugiat tempor. Sed vehicula lacus ut ligula pellentesque vitae hendrerit ipsum porta. Fusce fringilla lorem quis mauris pharetra imperdiet. Aenean sit amet justo ante, in purus consectetur metus. Donec in ligula sit quis ligula mattis faucibus  praesent id lobortis magna.

This is the same example as above but without the border around the cells, so that you can see more clearly how it all comes together. This is a good trick for coaxing the brain and eye into reading a lot of text. If you visit a site that contains only text, the brain shuts down and you move on to the next page without having read anything. However, elements that arouse your curiosity and are pleasing to the eye make you want to linger and before you know it, you’ve read the text too.
(This box is made with insert table, 1 column and 1 row so that it becomes one single cell.)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut eros sit amet neque egestas vehicula quis eu lacus. Vivamus quam magna, ornare sit amet feugiat in, eleifend non dui. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque ut tellus no eros quis rhoncus eu tortor imperdiet commodo.

Maecenas sit amet dolor leo. Pellentesque vel nibh nulla, at mollis neque. Nulla sem augue, hendrerit vitae molestie rhoncus, malesuada ante.  Pellentesque habitant morbi sit tristique ac senectus et netus et malesuada ac fames sed tempus amet sollicitudin  habitant egestas malesuada.  


Friendship make prosperity more shining and
lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it.

Cicero - On Friendship, 44 B.C.

Praesent id lobortis magna. Nam non velit at eros pellentesque pretium. Nunc vel lorem sit amet tortor imperdiet commodo eget ac velit. Morbi a arcu mi, in semper augue. In molestie congue nibh, a interdum erat temp sollicitudin tempor quis habitant morbi tristique senectus.

Book tip of the day!

  Sed aliquet fringilla sed eros , a vestibulum lorem aliquet at. Nam tellus nisi, venenatis ut bibendum sed, consectetur vel sapien. Pellentesque habitant netus morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris vel augue eleifend est tempus velit sollicitudin. Curabitur porttitor cursus sem sit sagittis purus porta feugiat habitant netus morbi tristique senectus netus.

Etiam porta auctor egestas. Aliquam id quam et justo iaculis porta. Integer non ante lobortis sem feugiat tempor. Sed vehicula lacus ut ligula pellentesque vitae hendrerit ipsum porta. Fusce fringilla lorem quis mauris pharetra imperdiet. Aenean sit amet justo ante, in purus consectetur metus. Donec in ligula sit quis ligula mattis faucibus  praesent id lobortis magna.